German Knowledge and Stakeholder Hub
The German Hub (as called AJA – Arbeitskreis gemeinnütziger Jugendaustausch) is an umbrella organization for long term individual mobility, located in Berlin. AJA is an expert for improving the political and legal framework conditions and develops Quality Criterias for long term pupil mobility. Furthermore, AJA is an expert on recognition of learning periods abroad for secondary school pupils. The basis of the cooperation are jointly developed quality criteria, to which all members commit themselves.
- AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V.
- Aubiko e.V. – Verein für Austausch, Bildung und Kommunikation
- Deutsches Rotes Kreuz in Hessen Volunta gGmbH
- Deutsches Youth For Understanding Komitee e.V. (YFU)
- Experiment e.V.
- Open Door International e.V.
- Partnership International e.V.
- Rotary Jugenddienst Deutschland e.V.