
Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition ETAR Project Logo

Knowledge and Stakeholder hub on Individual Pupil Mobility

Welcome to the Hub on Individual Pupil Mobility and its recognition!

Pupilmobility.eu gathers together stakeholders in the field of education and mobility to advance the recognition of learning periods abroad for secondary school pupils in Europe.

This space for knowledge sharing and stakeholder cooperation is based on the work of the European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL), in cooperation with several stakeholders at European and national level, and hosts now the latest developments of the ‘Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition’ (ETAR) project, involving school stakeholders and pupil exchange organisations from Belgium (Flanders), Estonia and Poland.

Are you a stakeholder of individual pupil mobility and its recognition?

Check the results of the Conference that took place in Mechelen, Belgium in March 2024!

What are you looking for?

Research & Policy

Find the latest resources and policy developments related to individual pupil mobility and the recognition of its learning outcomes.


Knowledge and Stakeholder hubs

Visit the specific Knowledge and Stakeholder hub for Europe and the hubs at national level in Belgium, Estonia and Poland developed through the ETAR project.


Teacher training

Explore training opportunities and resources for secondary school teachers to promote internationalisation of school education and competence-based assessment.



Individual Pupil Mobility is as a key tool for the internationalisation of schools and for developing European and Global citizenship.

Over the years, we have been advocating to increase inclusivity, diversification and quality of learning mobility opportunities, and to advance the recognition of learning periods abroad.

In 2016 we launched the recognisestudyabroad.eu campaign and in 2017 we launched the campaign ‘More funding for pupil mobility – through partnership between schools and exchange organisations’.

In 2020-2021 we coordinated the work of the Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary education, funded by the European Parliament and we are now building on its outputs with the Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition (ETAR) project funded by Erasmus+.

Latest developments

Find the latest news in the field of Individual Pupil Mobility and the recognition of its learning outcomes.

1st Report on Individual Pupil Mobility and recognition of its learning outcomes – 2023

The 1st Report on Individual Pupil Mobility and Recognition of its Learning Outcomes is out!

Learn more about the initiatives to support an improved access to IPM and recognition within the European Education Area by 2025, the current state of IPM and recognition of its learning outcomes, and the progress toward the implementation of the Proposal for a European framework on Recognition of Outcomes of Learning Periods Abroad in General Upper Secondary Education.

Check the outcomes of the Expert Network on Recognition

In 2020-2021, the ‘Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary school’ supported the European Commission in helping Member states to advance automatic recognition. Check the outcomes developed:

  • Proposal for a European Framework on automatic recognition
  • Analysis of recognition procedures across EU Member States
  • Training Model on Assessment of Transversal Competences

Position paper: New European Learning Mobility Framework

EFIL published a joint position paper with the LLLP, OBESSU, YFU and ATEE, as well as the Consortium part of the ETAR project, in the frame of the consultation process by the European Commission on the future of learning mobility in Europe. We called for:

  • mapping all learning mobility programmes beyond Erasmus+ and adhering to the European Quality Charter for mobility
  • supporting a learning mobility culture
  • supporting Individual Pupil Mobility as a key tool for internationalisation of schools and for developing European citizenship

This website is managed by the Consortium of the ETAR – Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition project (101049545 — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PCOOP-ENGO):