The European Knowledge and Stakeholder Hub meets in-person once a year and cooperates on a continuous basis to implement actions within the scope of the Proposal for a European Framework on recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary education.
European Federation for Intercultural Learning – EFIL
(Elisa Briga, Secretary General)
European Educational Exchanges – Youth for Understanding EEE-YFU
(Taru Granholm, Communication and Advocacy Specialist)
Organising Bureau of European School Students Unions – OBESSU
(Giuseppina Tucci, Secretary General)
Association for Teacher Education in Europe – ATEE
(Mariagrazia Tagliabue, Head of Office)
European Parents Association – EPA
(Arja Krauchenberg, Project Coordinator)
European Framework for recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary education
UPCOMING: Soon you will find the set of actions planned by the European level stakeholders, based on the 5 principles of the Proposal for a European Framework published in 2023.